PEB 360° Solutions Case Study


Problem Statement: This company was getting started fresh in the central & west Indian  pre engineered building market, they wanted branding, communication design, marketing collaterals, website development, awareness marketing and lead generation. 

Voluptate purus dictum habitasse bibendum metus, accusantium cupiditate rem eligendi, commodo, placerat! Necessitatibus odit, minus? Nisl eleifend hendrerit. Lobortis. Pretium! Natoque, architecto. Quibusdam officiis dolores egestas corrup.

Solution Phase 1:

Research: We did deep research about understanding the industry, the technical aspects of the product and their target groups. 


Communication Development: After understanding the market, the product and services, the market practices we highlighted the main problems in the industry and mentioned solutions in the communication that we built around the brand.

Solution Phase 2:

Awareness and Lead Generation:

Step 1: Established the brand presence with awareness campaigns that communicated the brand’s fundamental message using Meta Awareness and Google Display Campaigns, Optimised Google Business Profile, SEO on High Intent Keywords, and Launched Newsletters.

Started Content Marketing on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. Researched on technical content and curated high quality blogs that we wrote on a customer centric approach.

Step 2:  As soon as the brand starts to reach the audience we align our strategy towards making the most out of it. The organic traffic on the website started to increase so we implemented popup forms, contract forms, chatbot and newsletter subscription to generate organic leads out of the traffic on the website. 

We created Lead Magnets and started Meta, Google and LinkedIn Ads to generate even more leads and implemented a CRM automation for consistent followup of the leads to build a sales pipeline.

Simentunesly we started database marketing using Email and Whatsapp Channels to reach out to more potential customers, and affiliated.

Result: Helped the brand communicate on pint messages to their target group, ranked the website for high intent keywords on search engine, and created a consistent flow of inbound and outbound leads to build a sales pipeline using Hubspot. 

Total Number of Leads :


Total Number of Appointments Booked:

350 approx.

No. of Deals Finalized:


Project Duration:

12 Months

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